Ex-Factory Biesse

2020 Ritter R8043 Four Spindle Horizontal Borer

Listing #550848 Listed on: 03/16
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Boring Mach-Horiz
Price: $6,500.00
Type:Used - Very Good
Location:Kingston, TN
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:Bryan Freese [Contact]
More Info:Link to more images and info at 360
This certified pre-owned Ritter R8043 is a robust, four spindle, twin motor horizontal borer, known for being a workhorse in the shop. The many uses of this machine include stile and rail drilling, furniture doweling, line boring, table pin locating, and other functions for the clean and accurate drilling of wood components. The workpiece is held firmly against the table by a pneumatic clamp, and there is full adjustability of the index stops, bed height, and depth of cut.

(2) 1 HP Spindle Drive Motors
Right Angle Tee Fence Set
(2)-Double Spindle Gear Head
1″ Spindle Centers On Gear Head
1-1/4″-11″ Adjustable Spindle Centers
7/16-14 R/H Female Threaded Collets
0-3″ Adjustable Boring Depth
0-2″ Spindle Height Adjustment
36″ Fixed Work Table Height
12″ X 24″ Machined Steel Work Table
(2) 2.00″ Bore Clamping Cylinder
(2) End Boring T-Fences
Manual Motor Controls
Wired 3-Phase 220/440 Volt, 60 Hz.
Foot Pedal Actuated Boring Cycle
No Tooling Included
Designed and Manufactured in the USA
This fully functional machine has been fully cleaned, checked, and is ready to work from the time you receive it. This is our guarantee to both you and your company.

Link to more images and info at 360

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