Ex-Factory Biesse

Woodshop Retirement Auction - Columbus, WI

Listing #550938 Listed on: 03/22
Details - Machine for Sale
Price: (negotiable)
Type:Used - Good
Manufacturer:Powermatic, Grizzly, Steff, De
Location:Columbus, WI
Sale Type:NonDealer
Seller:Richard Schneider [Contact]
More Info:Link
I have retired from my manufacturing business in Columbus, WI. We made woodenware for beekeepers (hives, hive components, etc). Much of my equipment (I kept some to take back to my original shop as a hobby yet) is currently on auction including panel saws (Holz Her, SCMI), upcut (jump) saws (Powermatic, Whirlwind), table saws (Powermatic, Jet), shapers (Delta, Grizzly, etc), power feeders (Grizzly, Steff, etc), air compressors (Coleman, Porter Cable), CNC machine (Anderson), laser, racking (pallet and upright, etc) and a whole bunch more including some beekeeping machines for making frames (which are rare to find). There are 800 items. Most of the woodworking machinery is listed in the last 2/3 of the auction. Some of it is 3-phase, some of it is single phase. For much of it we have a rigging company who will be loading items to make things easier overall. The auction goes through April 8th and can be found at Beloit Auction Service under our business name Capital Bee Supply https://bid.beloitauction.com/ui/auctions/135385


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