Thermwood Corporation

Safety Speed Cut 7400 Panel Saw (5hp)

Listing #550952 Listed on: 03/23
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Panel Saws-Vertical
Price: $5,500.00
Type:Used - Good
Manufacturer:Safety Speed Cut
Location:Kingston, TN
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:360 DEGREE MACHINERY LLC [Contact]
More Info:Link to more images and info at
Not much to say about this Safety Speed Cut 7400 Panel Saw as it functions as it should. It does have a small parts shelf and 8′ fences on both sides. It’s also has the largest motor offered which is 5 hp. Full specs a re listed below.

Weight 950 lbs
Dimensions 124 x 98 x 48in
Max. Crosscut 64″/1625mm
Max. Rip Cut Unlimited
Cut Depth 2 ⅛”/55mm
Cut Accuracy .005″/.125mm
Frame Length 120″/3050mm
Daily Usage Continuous (8+ Hours)
Rollers 22
Saw Blade Diameter 8″/210mm
Motor 5HP, 208-230/460V/3-Phase
Saw Blade Revolutions Per Minute 3450 RPM
Power supply options three phase power
Country of Origin USA
Standard Equipment

5 hp/3-Phase, heavy duty induction saw motor
Welded steel frame and integrated stand system
Dual V-track precision guide system
Adjustable vertical and horizontal rulers
Quick stop gauges (8′ left, 8′ right)
Saw blade. Quick change from vertical to horizontal cutting
Floating pressure saw foot
Solid aluminum material rollers
Enclosed counterweight system
Dust collection ready
Hold down bar

This fully functional machine has been fully cleaned, checked, and is ready to work from the time you receive it. This is our guarantee to both you and your company. It is owned by 360 Degree Machinery and located in our inventory in Kingston, TN.

Link to more images and info at

Contact this Seller (360 DEGREE MACHINERY LLC):

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