Ex-Factory Biesse

Hammond 10hp dust collector - LAST CHANCE - $1000 or going to scrap metal next week

Listing #550984 Listed on: 03/25
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Dust Collectors
Price: $1,000.00 negotiable
Type:Used - Good
Location:Sun Prairie, WI
Sale Type:NonDealer
Seller:Paul Novotny [Contact]
Hammond DK1055 dust collector - 10hp 3phase. 10" round inlet.

We bought this used about 6 years ago and have put a new motor on it, probably 3-4 years ago.

Comes with custom plywood filter box and (6) Wynn Environmental pleated filters with custom 5 gallon pail collection for the fine dust in the bottom of the filters. The cage on one of the filters has spread open a little (has a ratchet strap holding it in so no sharp edges now).

Comes with (2) 55 gallon drums to collect the large dust from the cyclone with covers and drum dollies.

Comes with the newer motor starter and the start/stop button. Can also include the disconnect if interested.

This unit works very well for us - we are selling it as we have combined our dust collection into a central 30hp outdoor unit.

Available now - disassembled and palletized - ready for shipment/pickup.

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