Grass Eco Press M Hinge Boring, Insertion Machine, 2007, 2HP, 220V, 3PH, Cleaned, Checked

Listing #551003 Listed on: 03/26
Details - Machine for Sale
Category:Boring Mach-Vert
Price: $1,195.00
Type:Used - Very Good
Model:Eco Press M
Location:Sheboygan, WI
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:John Weber II [Contact]
More Info:Grass Eco Press M For Sale Website Link
Grass Eco Press M Hinge Boring, Insertion Machine, 2007, 2HP, 220V, 3PH, Cleaned, Checked, Very Good Cond.,

Video made of machine running. It is in our website link.

“The ideal machine for joiners, shop fitters and producers of small series.”

Machine is used for drilling cup holes and fitting hinges, base plates, fronts and back panels of drawers, or drilling rows of holes.

Manufacturer Specification:

Work table 300 x 720
Side stops, left (2x)
Side stops, right (2x)
5-spindle vertical drilling gear including quick-change drill chuck
Insertion die arm for holding insertion die
Revolver stop
Pneumatic hold-down block, tool set, operating instructions

Grass Eco Press M For Sale Website Link

Contact this Seller (John Weber II):

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