Original design, oak fascia over plywood/solid lumber core. Tile accent strip with centre medallion featuring the business's locomotive logo. It's a treat to find a customer that is willing to let you give free reign to your artistic urges.
Viewer Comments:
Nice job, looks great. You may want to check the codes in your area. That would not make code in my area. Combustible materials are not allowed that close to the firebox here
I smell smoke, too. And it ain't that steam locomotive. Definitely will not pass any sort of code regarding fireplaces. How do you handle it when the customer calls and says "Uh, there seems to be a problem..."?
Hmmm, I suppose I had better look into that.
as most jurisdictions have switched to a national code, clearance ro combustible surfaces on a woodburning fireplace is 8".
Many of the newer gas units even have a zero tolerance, not that they look good without some type of masonry surround
The photo does do much to indicate that the "fire" is a decorative gas-fired unit with ceramic logs. When I contacted the inspection office they deferred to the manufacturer's installation specs, which the client is now trying to locate. It wouldn't be a big deal to raise it up a sniff if that's what is required. When I installed it I used holes in the brickwork that were there from the previous mantel because it seemed, well, easy.