handrail part

Listing #1510 Listed on: 10/23/2008 Company Name: 18th Century Handrail
Name: Jim Baldwin Member

custom spiral volute (construction photo courtesy Stairbuilders Inc MN)

1 Photos

360 degree spiral volute

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Posted By:Matt
Posted By:Dave S
Is this what happens when you have 3 beers at lunch one day? Just kidding - a very nice twist on an old form. Very cool.
Posted By:BR
Did this pass code?
I am sure the spacing between your last spindle and the post would be a problem.
Posted By:Jim
I believe the whole volute is to sit over a cluster or cage of ornamental iron.

I hope to post a picture of of the completed job soon

Thanks for the comments.
Posted By:philip n
kudos, very nice work

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