Office Wall Unit

Listing #1690 Listed on: 01/10/2009 Company Name: Edgewood Custom Cabinetry
Name: Pete Rafferty Member

I purchased some rough Walnut and went to town.

2 Photos
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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:Robert
You should have stayed at the shop and made something out of it
Posted By:Pete
I posted a finished pic but it didnt show up and then I posted another post and it still didnt show up!
Posted By:Tony
Looks like a decent composition/design overall. Might have looked better with inset doors/drawers. And what are the panels? If not walnut, it probably won't look as good as it could have.
Posted By:Pete
The panels are also walnut and they do not look that way in person. Its funny sometimes what the camera will do. As for the design and doors, the customer had the entire design drawn, scaled and ready to build.

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