Rococo Styled Cabinet

Listing #1722 Listed on: 01/16/2009 Company Name: Divine Design
Name: Gregg Novosad Member

This is a studio piece I am creating for an exhibition. We modified design elements from the production side of the business that we use in tables, cabinets, etc.

The exhibition is entitled "Breakout" and will feature several trompe-l'oeil styled marquetry works and their attempt to break free of the constraints of the 2 dimensional medium. (Snap your fingers, tug on your gotee, adjust your beret, and repeat "its' hip, it's hip man")

The storyline has mice stealing my clamps before the glue is set. There are 14 "defects", which become 3 dimensional as you move from the left side to the right.

We are creating a broadcast quality documentary which will be done in a few months.

In the "Where's Waldo" tradition, how many defects can you find? (rules: the hole from a fallen piece doesn't count if the fallen piece is visible).

Winners get a coupon for an Illinois senate seat nomination from our Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Good Luck.

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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:Alexander Valle-Albert
That is an incredible display of craftsmanship. Keep up the good work. Awsome!
Posted By:stephen
You have taken creativity to a whole new level. Very impressing to look at and I'd love to be able to see it in person.
Posted By:Craig Thibodeau
Wonderful work, still getting more creative at every turn I see.
Posted By:kol
This piece is unbelievable! Amazing work.
Posted By:Dennis Zongker
This piece is incredible! Beautiful! It reminds me of a Francois Linke style. Congratulations on the veneer tech contest. It was about time they picked you. Keep up the great craftsmanship!

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