cherry and maple steps 1.2

Listing #184 Listed on: 04/09/2005 Name: Steve Pogieter

Company Name: Clean Dean LLCI thought it was about time I posted something so here is a little project I did for a yacht.

They wanted cherry and maple steps and as teak and Holley is common and cherry and maple is not, I had to make the tongue and grove planking myself.

The bull nose is from Curly Cherry
Finished by sanding tung oil in with 500 wet/dry sandpaper
French polished resulting sanding past with a old T-shirt.

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Posted By:Paul

Well worth the effort, they look great.

Posted By:Brian

You may be frustrated with your computer skills but you have mastered the step construction. Looks great.

Posted By:gc

I love the sawhorses that have finish all over them from all your other projects (exactly like mine)....oh...nice steps too!

Posted By:John

If that is all solid wood as it looks, and IF there is a continuous glue joint at the solid cherry bullnose edge....that is surely going to "blow up" (warp, crack, split, etc.) due to the inevitable expansion and contraction across the grain (of the cherry/maple: Side to Side. However, if you see this starting to happen, remove the steps, cut those apart and reconnect them with fasteners that allows the actual treads to "float" you'll be all set.

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