Viewer Comments:
Incredible. A most unique structure, almost storybook and dream-like in character. The monotone brown-earth colors add to the surreal feeling. Mill work and cabinets look well designed and built for the fortress that holds them. Kitchen is most inviting of all spaces with splashes of sunlight bringing life to a space that looks functional, ready for cooking and entertaining. Looks like you did a great job, especially with the cantilevered ceiling above the dinning room.
Absolutely amazing design and workmanship. I haven't seen anything that comes close to your place in a very long time. It must have taken years of planning and building. I hope the people that live there appreciate what went into it as much as the carpenter and the architect. Congratulations on a job superbly done!
Absolutely amazing design and workmanship. I haven't seen anything that comes close to your palace in a very long time. It must have taken years of planning and building. I hope the people that live there appreciate what went into it as much as the carpenter and the architect. Congratulations on a job superbly done!
Completely echo Philip's comments...
Very you get to take the rest of the year off now? Hollywood may want to film there.
Great work
Here's the million dollar question I'm sure....
How much did it cost to build?
I've found my new and very much needed inspiration.
Thank you for contributing such a passionate well planned craft!