Glazed, Beaded Inset Kitchen

Listing #2294 Listed on: 09/15/2009 Company Name: Hostetler Custom Cabinetry
Name: Chris Hostetler

This kitchen features beaded, inset cabinetry and a glazed finish. We also built the island to look like an integrated piece of furniture. Enjoy!

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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:kol
looks great
Posted By:Richard
Super nice.
Very impressive.
Posted By:Nathan
Wow, Chris! Very impressive. What substrate for the cabinet frames and panels? Bet you had many hours in the installation!
Posted By:Chris Hostetler
The frames are poplar and the doors are maple. You are right about the installation. Its not uncommon for us to be installing in a house for several months!
Posted By:adam 312
The finishers have a nice touch on the rub-thru. I hope there wasn't too much on-site touch up.

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