"Marquetry, Christmas Gifts"

Listing #2429 Listed on: 12/04/2009 Company Name: Zongkers Custom Woods Inc
Name: Dennis Zongker

I'm taking a break from the serious woodworking and decided to make Christmas presents this year. There is a total of 20 marquetry pictures and frames.

The Lion size is 3/4” x 12”x 15” and the Cameo size is 3/4” x 8” x 10”. I hope my family members will be happy with a hand made present. I think I would rather have something made by my kids then if they were to buy me something.

Thanks for looking and I hope everyone here on WOODWEB has a very merry Christmas.

6 Photos
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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:John Beecham
wow, you must have a ton of patience.
Posted By:TJ Brown
Howdy Dennis
I was just looking over you photos and wanted to say you did a very nice job!

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