Walnut and Purpleheart Blanket Chest

Listing #2678 Listed on: 03/28/2010 Company Name: Norman Orsinger Woodworking, Ltd.
Name: Norm Orsinger Member

Black Walnut and reclaimed Purpleheart Blanket Chest with hand forged iron hinges. Walnut is a local salvaged tree and the purpleheart is reclaimed from demoed NYC park benches.
Finish is a clear matte.

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Posted By:Tim
are those solid panels of purpleheart? if so, how thick? or is it plywood. Never seen pieces that big before. Beautiful chest.
Posted By:Norm
The Purpleheat panels are solid wood. They are made from two book matched boards resawn from 8/4 x 7"planks. They finished at about 3/4" thick. Thanks.

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