Small Obscure Cabinet with Drawer

Listing #3017 Listed on: 12/20/2010 Company Name: Travis Owen Furniture
Name: Travis

This small cabinet was composed mostly of spalted maple obtained from discarded pallets. The door is spalted maple driftwood found in a river outlet in Northern California. A permenently attached key keeps the door securely closed. Inside, there is a small drawer with a uniquely designed Madrone front. I harvested the Madrone from my own back yard and then shaped a small finger grip in the middle. It is finished with several coats of linseed oil, wipe on polyurithane, and Carnuba wax.

It is approx. 16" tall by 5" wide by 10" deep.

Enjoy! Comments? Questions?


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Posted By:Jeremy T.
Very refreshing to see something like this on wood web. I like the way you "harvested" the materials. I would encourage you to develop a whole room set in this style.
Posted By:Travis
That is a very cool idea! I have several pallets made from 1" thick maple heartwood that I think would make a nice set of some sort. Though the pieces are cracked and would normally be considered firewood, I love the color variations presented in maple heartwood. It's such a departure from the common stuff. And since the pallets were free from my work, they fit perfectly in my budget (which is virtually non existent, lol)
Posted By:Jay Kurtz
It was quizzical the way you put "obscure" in the title, in retrospect. You must have been fastinated to watch the wood grain unfold in front of you. Most excellent project, my friend.

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