Anna's Jewelry Box

Listing #3102 Listed on: 01/22/2011 Company Name: Travis Owen Furniture
Name: Travis

I made this jewelry box for my wife. It is made with cherry, spalted white oak, maple, and spalted mahogany. The lid was coopered with a “round plane” I fashioned from grinding down the iron of an old transitional plane and shaping it’s wooden sole to match to an even curve. I went through three different designs before landing with the coopered top. I had a few small boards of this weathered spalted mahogany which was filled with worm holes. Most of it was too funky to use, but what I was able to salvage was a delight to shape. The pin that holds the lid closed is ebony. The box is finished with oil, polish and wax. The lid is french polished.

All the wood was found on pallets.


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