Tables Tables Tables

Listing #3311 Listed on: 05/25/2011 Name: Leslie Denham

These are some tables I have made over the last several years while obtaining my BFA from Cal State Long Beach. I would love to hear what everyone has to say about them.
There are many more images and descriptions of the pieces on my website.

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Posted By:JimD
Awesome stuff. I assume the non-wood parts are concrete?
Posted By:Leslie Denham
Thank You. Yeah it's all precast concrete.
Posted By:Jay
Wow, really different stuff. I so enjoy that. Good for you keep up the great work.
Posted By:rusty 2010
Very cool looking and innovative. I really like the last coffee table, are those dowels in the top.
Posted By:leslie denham
Thank you. Thank you. They're not really dowels. They're square, so more like through tennons to support the span. that was part of a Japanese inspired sister set I did.
Posted By:phillip snyder
too cool for words. made my morning
Posted By:Noel
These are really creative designs - very impressive. The finishing on the concrete is fantastic. I'm curious what kind of environment these pieces can handle. Living on the east coast forces some serious issues with expansion and contraction. Does the contact between concrete and wood pose any movement problems down the road? Again, this is really beautiful work!
Posted By:Noel
These are really creative designs - very impressive. The finishing on the concrete is fantastic. I'm curious what kind of environment these pieces can handle. Living on the east coast forces some serious issues with expansion and contraction. Does the contact between concrete and wood pose any movement problems down the road? Again, this is really beautiful work!
Posted By:leslie denham
Thank you.

I am always concerned with the movement of the materials wether it be wood or concrete. I try to design my work with this in mind, and I have yet to have had a failure due to movement. I design certain elements of the joinery to allow for expansion and contraction by leaving very small gaps. I also use a very high tech concrete recipe which increases the tensile strength exponentially.

Two other tables not shown here have been in NYC for about two years now with no problems that I know of. Knock on wood.
Posted By:Travis
I really like the frailty of the cocktail table on the top. I'm also really in awe of the joinery on that middle coffee table with the coopered red legs and concrete top.

Were these pieces in some sort of gallery or is this your showroom? Either way I like how you used cinder blocks as the "stands".
Posted By:Willie
Very cool. Nice contrast between the concrete and wood. I like it.

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