Cherry Entertainment Center

Listing #336 Listed on: 04/16/2006 Name: Leo

Company Name: LRG WoodCraftingThis is an Entertainment Center made from Cherry and Cherry veneered plywood's. It is 7' at its tallest and 13 1/2' long.

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Posted By:jonny

I love the work but I am wondering why they spent so much money going around a tv that is already (very) obsolite. Did you plan for the future for them?
Just the same...Nice job.

Posted By:Mike

What's obsolete about the t.v.? It's wide screen HiDef.

Posted By:Bryan

so many people think that if a tv's not 4 inches deep or less then it's obsolete... lol

Posted By:james

Just wondering how many detachable or separate pieces the unit is?

I built a nice 6 foot E-center years back for my wife and its a hassle moving it. Next one Im figuring to make in several pieces, but will be tricky making it look like one piece.

Nice job.

Posted By:Leo

James - I delivered it in three trips in my pickup. The two center pieces with the doors, the two outside bookcases and the top molding lid, shelves and back. So you could either say it is 5 pieces or 8 depending if you wanted to count the center shelving and back as pieces.

Posted By:bill

Nice piece.
I suggest you develop a relationship with an independent furniture moving service instead of risking 3 trips in an open pickup. I know it is the best money we spend on outside services...

Posted By:CharlesK


I agree with bill on the moving service. I use one and am very happy with the arrangement. The cost is very low, and I include it as part of my pricing up front. They are responsible for the pieces while in transit. Delivery includes placing it in the room I want. And, my back thanks me every time.


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