Mahogany Sideboard

Listing #352 Listed on: 05/19/2006 Name: Wes Highfill

Company Name: Highfill Custom WoodworksThis is a sideboard I recently completed. All solid wood, mahogany, except for the door panels which are sappelle (sp?) veneered door panels. Even the drawer bottoms are solid poplar. Any comments about pricing would be well appreciated.

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Posted By:Brian Sheldon

Wes, that is a very nice piece. Looks like Sapele pomele. If you ever get the chance sapele hardwood is a real pleasure to work with. About half the price of mahogany and only a tad bid more red, it's grain is really neat and cuts extremely well. (from africa)

What kind of hinges did you use?

Posted By:wes

Yes, it's sapele pomele. The doors have knife hinges on them. Kind of a p.i.t.a. to work with.

I'll have to keep an eye out for sapele hardwood. Haven't seen it around, but haven't really been looking for it, either.

Posted By:kol

looks real nice. I like the way the sapele pomele colored closely to the mahogany. I would have used different knobs possibly even made them but what can you do. as for pricing it really depends on your area, and how much labor you have in it. I'd guess 2500-3000. You can get away with less if your overhead is slim. could be wrong though. good luck

Posted By:Brian Sheldon

Yeah, honestly I didn't want to be the first to say it, but the pulls are a bit too much IMO. They just look too bulky and for darker woods I like to use brass, off brass or antique brass hardware or something craftsman style to accent the tone of the wood. Great piece otherwise though!

Posted By:wes

Fair enough comments, thanks! I'll give some thought to the knobs; I've always felt like I was floundering when trying to pick out hardware.

Posted By:CharlesK


Nice piece!

Regarding hardware selection, I have the same problem. So, I have two solutions that work for me. First, I ask my wife. I give her the Amerock catalog and let her pick. My second solution is to ask a designer that I work with. She also can quickly pick out the right hardware.


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