gothic doors

Listing #359 Listed on: 06/08/2006 Name: andy perry

Company Name: creekside cabinetscouple of jambs we built recently. doors came from a house out west. the owner bought them on ebay for 500.00 and said he wanted to create a gothic feel at the entrance of his house. the doors were in terrible shape. we stripped and refinished them in the shop, built the jambs and shipped everything to conn. from s.c..

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Posted By:Robert Eckles

Very nice,How long did it take to build the big door.

Posted By:Tom W

I like the proportions. Ellipses are always beautiful.
Good job.

Posted By:Cliff Wieser

You did a nice job. Those are very nice jambsets. Did you have to use four butts? or was the spacing tight enough to use three? What was the finish you chose for the weather in Conn.?

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