Completed Bloodwood Kitchen

Listing #3600 Listed on: 11/18/2011 Company Name: Richie's Cabinets
Name: Richard McComas

While I do build professionally this build was for my wife. It started out incontinently enough. I had picked up a piece of bloowood at my local supplier and one day my wife was in the shop and saw the bloodwood in the corner of my shop. When she noticed it said "want a kitchen made from this wood".

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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:D Brown
That's a nice kitchen and I'll bet a heavy one too. Happy wife, happy life.
Posted By:EMF
What is "incontinently"?
Posted By:Marty
Beautiful work Richard!
Posted By:Larry
Love the smell of working bloodwood. I'm surprised it isn't used more.
Posted By:Jim
Beautiful wood. However the placement and quantity of the light fixtures is rather poor. I wouldn't have placed those lights so close to the cabinets, they are ineffective and ugly. I would have just put them inside the soffit area and installed undercabinet lighting.
Posted By:Richard McComas
Some guys like fat girls, some don't.

The wife and I like our kitchen as is. Thanks for your comments.

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