A Bar Inside The Closet

Listing #3791 Listed on: 03/26/2012 Company Name: Hudson Cabinetmaking, Inc.
Name: Russell Hudson Member
Website:   www.hudsoncabinetmaking.com/

We had worked with this client before on numerous projects. They had an apartment in Manhattan as well as their country home, a nearly 200 year old farm house they had been renovating slowly but surely since they bought the place ten years ago. When they called asking about our building a bar for them, I figured it was that basic, finished basement bar we’d made for clients a dozen times before.

However, when I arrived, they showed me a small closet with a standard door (30X80) and suggested that, perhaps, the bar could fit inside the closet without any modification to the size of the opening. I was still scratching my head when they went on to show me a series of pictures of an antique, Deco-style bar. A small unit, (on wheels) they had found for their apartment in the city.

14 Photos
VIDEO HERE We adjusted arm lengths, pivot points, and the amount of tension until we liked how the mechanism moved. I ordered 1/8″ x 3/4″ brass bar stock to make our arms. It was soft enough to be a pleasure to work with. VIDEO HERE Hope you enjoyed this. Many woodworking projects on the website - check it out, if you'd like.
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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:Sameer
That's one hell of a concealed bar...kudos to engineering :)
Posted By:frank V
Very cool Don't you just love a challenge? Like the old saying goes how do I get #10 of ---- In a #5 sack

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