Seymour Shelf Clock

Listing #393 Listed on: 07/31/2006 Name: Sean Schieber

Company Name: Myrtle Grove FurnitureMassachusetts Shelf Clock. Dimensions are 36" from floor to top of finial, and 12-3/8" width at base. Depth of case at its deepest is 6"

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Posted By:andy perry

hey, nice work sean. tell us how you finished the crotch panel. it looks real nice. andyp

Posted By:Todd

I would say $2,500+ here in the N.E. The clock looks great.

What movement did you use? Iv'e read that many are junk.

Posted By:Sean Schieber

David Lindow made the movement. He makes a variety of clock movements: grandfather, banjo and shelf clock movements. I would highly recommend him; he's great at troubleshooting with you in person or over the phone, and his movements are top quality.

Thanks for the other comments. I'd hope to get more than 2,500 in the DC market, but I'll see what the market will bear.

Posted By:Sean Schieber


Thanks for your response.

I used linseed oil and pumice to fill the pores on the crotch mahogany. I also found it helpful to fill some small cracks that had developed while veneering. When I got the veneer, it was all kinds of wavy, so I flattened it using a thinned out solution of hide glue and placing it between two heavy, flat surfaces. I wound up hammer veneering the panel, and the next day found several small cracks in the veneer.

After filling, I padded garnet shellac on, and rubbed out the finish with fine pumice and rottenstone.

Posted By:Robert Lasar
Can you give me an address or way to reach David Lindow. I want to buy some dials from him for some shaker clocks, but am striking out when it comes to a phone number or an address. Thanks so much. Bob Lasar
Posted By:Robert Lasar
Nice work! I've never veneered and am wondering if veneering over solid wood can cause trouble because of wood movement?
It would seem that anything under $3000 would put you under $20 per hour. I am just an amateur so I do not have to face those issues.

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