Company Name: Robert Eckles Jr Custom WoodworkingWe went with mdf becouse it is all getting painted. And this stuff mills great and no expantion an awsome product to work with.I also milled all the trim and crown in it also .(crown going in today).I will post when all painted.
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Posted By: | James |
You made the rails and stiles from MDF too? Beautiful woork by the way.
Posted By: | Robert Eckles Jr |
Yes ,This stuff glues up perfect and almost no movement at all this millwork will stay in place for a long time. no major calking in the future on this one.
Posted By: | DCW |
It looks awesome. This is exactly the kind of work I want to get in to. (I'm just starting out). How long is the large arch in the last image? What size MDF sheets do you start with? Lastly, what kind of joint/glue do you use for you styles and rails?
Oops, one more, how much does that all weigh...must have been a bear to put those arches in place?
Again, awesome work.
Posted By: | Robert Eckles Jr |
That one is 17' and the other is 14' finishing with the smaller one 7'. all the panels where taken from 4x8x3\4 ultralight mdf . all my joints are cope and stick with titebond 2 and backed up with pocket hole joints
Posted By: | Peter |
MDF real easy to work with, easy on machinery and bits ,cheap to buy and replace if you make a mistake,end grain should be treated with hot glue mixture prior to finishing.
Various types of this sawdust wood is available now and full sheets can easilly be moved around by one person, really light stuff to work.
Recently did a mansion in Washington which was much more demanding than this project and for four floors worth we came in at $350.000.00 and some change.
Entire project milled in house and took three months to complete,with a crew of six.
Painting ,gilding and leafing done by others.
Would I do it again?
Simple as it was,no.
Posted By: | Robert Eckles Jr |
Easy on machines yes i agree but on buts ,no way i had to have my bits sharpened a couple of times to compleat this little project. and yes the mdf ultralight is very light but regular grade is about double in weight and worse on the bits . I also worked with 1 1\4 x 4 x 16' sheets of mdf extera witch weight per sheet is 320 LBs not to light in my word.It paints up great alittle more prep in beginning but worth the results. I have done projects with more details then this one in popular and oaks and even Butternut and beleave me I would work with MDF again and recomend other not to be listen to negitive responces about products untill you try it your self.As for four floors of more detail work then this for 350,000.00 sounds cheap to me I got almost half that for what you see in the pictures. and
Posted By: | Matt Mills |
Beautiful work! Did you glue in the panels for extra strength? Not much if any movement in the MDF. Just thinking it might make it safer to move around the large, heavy sections. Nice job!
Posted By: | Robert Eckles Jr. |
No it was very strong with the glue joints . Thanks