Chakra Cabinet

Listing #4362 Listed on: 02/26/2014 Company Name: Soul Tree Creations/Wood Lock Plans
Name: Kelly Snake Member

The cabinet you see before you is the result of becoming aware of so many different aspects regarding frequency and vibration. It is a vibrational world we live in. This cabinet can kinda be thought of as a vibration or frequency enhancer if you will. There are many positive frequencies blending together at one time here.

Representing Sacred Geometry, the interior space is a perfect cube (representing Earth), while each cube is surrounded by 6 copper rimmed circles (regarded throughout cultural history as an icon of the ineffable oneness; the indivisible fulfillment of the Universe). The transparent colored glass is representitive of our 7 basic Chakras. Each compartment is bathed in that color of light. Each color carrying its own frequency. Each compartment is connected by a clear glass circle, allowing for a natural column of light to exist within the center. At the very bottom is a mirror. The top has a copper framed pyramid, and within it hangs a double terminated Quartz Cryatal. Aside from all that, the cabinet is made from Cedar and the interior is left unfinished. No ferrous metals were used in its construction. The outside finish is a natural milk paint. There are only three high frequency elements to include, scent (burning cedar leaves, incense or sage), sound (Ode To Joy for example) and lastly the light of the full noon day sun or the magical light of the full moon.

Now, what would I put in it? How about a special talisman that one might wear as a necklace for example.

The idea is that within each compartment there exists a healthy, regenerative, life enhancing zone. I am no expert in anything and have no way to validate my claims. However, if you study Quantum Mechanics, and Quantum Physics you might have a better idea of what is happening inside. Who the heck knows, I just get the idea and build it, lol. I am open to thoughts on this one!

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Posted By:Kilgore Trout
I'd keep my packs of Marlboros in there so they don't go stale.... Or maybe keep my tape measure in there so it makes less mistakes.
Posted By:jim
Posted By:DM
wow, thats out there man. I think toddlers would love it laying on its side on the ground so they could shove toys through the pretty holes.
Posted By:Jon Grider
I'm doing the oooooommmmm thing.

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