boat building contest

Listing #439 Listed on: 10/29/2006 Name: andy perry

Company Name: creekside cabinetsmy boatbuilding partner,nick oliver, and i built this 12' georgetown bateau in the boatbuilding contest last week. we set a new speed record of 1:27:10 but missed the world record because we did not score enough quality points to better the record holders bill hussey and eric peabody.they set a new record in 2004,building their boat in 1:47:12. we plan on sanding a little more next year as i think we've got the time thing down pretty good. yall check out the site at and see if any of you woodbutchers out there want to try us out next year. andyp

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Posted By:Robert Eckles Jr.

Very cool I would like to do that .

Posted By:Shooter

The one time I built a boat like that it took me about 6 weeks. I'm going to have to practice some to enter the competition next year. (The scale model my kindergardener and I built for her homework a few years ago only took us a day and a half)

Nice work.

Posted By:sp

I built a boat like this once. But i never used it because my life insurance wasn't up to date. Nice job

Posted By:Fred
Great job, hey is this at the Madisonville LA boatshow? Will you all be at this year's 2008 show? Thanks
Posted By:Brent
Where did you get the plans for this boat? I would like to try this on the CNC.
Posted By:andy perry
try the website. this will give you the contact info and they should be able to get you a set of plans. andyp

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