Walnut and Oak Entry table

Listing #451 Listed on: 11/08/2006 Name: F. Little

Company Name: Appalachian cabinetry and woodworkingAfter seeing other postings of wood combinations I thought that I would try one of my own. This table is 30"high x18"long x 15" wide.Your advice would be appreciated.

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Posted By:Mike Fade

looks great. I once did a jewelry box made out of wormy chestnut and black walnut. pretty much the same effect. I like the square pegs throught he breadboard egde.

Posted By:Clint

Very nice. What is the finish? Poly or spray laquer?

Posted By:F. Little

The finish that I used was 6 coats of Orange shallec, sanded after the first two to knock down the grain, then the other 4 this was a 1.5 pound cut. Then two coats of Poly, sanded inbetween.Thanks for looking.

Posted By:grant


Even though I'm a hardwoods forester (and part-time wood worker) I have never been partial to oak, however, your combination of oak and walnut (with its sapwood) is truly an inspired use of the walnut species. I think that the furniture and cabinet industries should take a clue from your work to inspire consumer desire for (currently out of favor) oak. A historical anecdote regarding walnut literally carrying oak; Historical accounts of river-borne transportation of logs here in Eastern Kentucky describe how yellow-poplar and walnut were bouyant enough to be floated down the river, however, if denser species such as oak were to be so transported, they had to be attached to yellow-poplar or walnut logs to keep them from sinking.

Keep up the excellent work.

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