first born

Listing #463 Listed on: 11/24/2006 Name: Eric

Company Name: noneThis is my first attempt to build pretty much anything excluding home construction. It started out as a crib building project that morphed into the dresser and bookshelf. Toy chest is coming soon.Yes the crib is from a Rockler plan.

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Posted By:Eric

Please ignore this post. installed new photosoftware and can't figure out how to properly size with it. My work isn't that great anyhow.

Posted By:scott

Eric From what i can see it looks pretty good. I am my own worst critic too! Scott

Posted By:Harry DeVrieze

Your scource of inspiration for these is one of the highest there is.
Well done.

Harry DeVrieze

Posted By:Craig Moellenhoff


Congratulations on the new addition! My wife and I just had a baby girl this past summer, so I know how you feel. I started building a cradle for my son, who will be 4 this week, but he was born slightly early and I didn't finish the cradle until a few weeks after our daughter was born.

I think your furniture looks very nice, and I am particularly impressed with the finish. I have never used Target coatings before, but I found their website. After looking at the info on USL, I still have a couple questions. The description mentions Matte White (1300 Series), but it is not listed as an ordering option. Is this the product that you used? What material did you use to build the furniture (poplar, mdf, etc.)? Did you prime it with anything prior to using the Target USL (I am guessing not, since it is listed as a self-sealer)?

I just built a few basic cabinets for my laundry room and I have been debating what (white) finish to use. Since my doors are MDF, I primed them first with oil base paint, but haven't started on the top coat, and I like the appearance of your finish.

Thanks and congratulations again.


Posted By:Eric

Craig and Harry Thank You.
Craig the finish is Ultima Spray Laquer in semi gloss tinted white. the dresser is polished with 2 of the 3 menzerna steps. I did not prime but put down about 9 coats of USL. The color doesn't really start to build until about the fourth. If I did it again I would prime with their emtech 8800 series in white. Usl can be tint at your local paint store which is a great benefit.
I'd recommend joining their finishing forum, as Jeff W. and Axel K. are great at answering questions and solving problems especially for beginners like me. Not familiar with 1300 matte. Usl will lay right down over your oil based finish you have thus far.
All pieces were built from birch ply and poplar except drawer fronts which are aspen.Email me with any other Questions

Posted By:Craig Moellenhoff


Thanks for the information. Finishing is the weakest part of my process (especially anything but clear), so I am trying to learn. Sorry to bother you with another question. You mentioned that you used 2 of the 3 menzerna steps. I found the menzerna products on, but there are 4 listed. Course (3169), Medium (3168), Fine (3167) & Extra fine (3170). Which 2 did you use? Thanks.


Posted By:Eric

The compounds I used must be slightly different. Mine are in a tub. They are Menzerna 2L prepolish #1 and Menzerna 16 Fine Polish. I used with Surbuf pads on a random orbital sander. Check out Jeff Jewitts' website.
That's where mine came from. Finishing is a weak point for me also. As I am teaching myself how to spray finish, I had to sand out a fair amount of orange peel.Thank goodness for wetsanding and Menzerna. Hope this helps. Good luck.

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