Company Name: Adam H. Spees LLCI've been working on this kitchen from time to time for the past year. It's just about finished. The ceiling is getting tin panels. Then the two piece crown goes up. The floor needs a few coats of poly. Then the island can be dropped and fully installed.
I took these pics to show a designer. The kitchen is full of dust because we are still busy trimming the rest of the house. Countertops will be some dark version of concrete.
The customer gave me a conceptual drawing of placement and sizes. I did all of the design work from there. I produced everything in the kitchen except for the dovetailed drawers and the furniture legs.
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Posted By: | srs |
You seem to take pride and care in your work. I love the technique you used for the wood counter tops. It reminds me of my first big kitchen job . Only a few months ago. Beaded frmes , pullout pantry ect. good luck. beatiful work.
Posted By: | Mark |
What was your finishing schedule on that Quartersawn Oak top? Did you use a grain filler?