Lion's Desk

Listing #5072 Listed on: 03/26/2019 Company Name: Zongkers custom Furniture
Name: Dennis Zongker

Here is a Lion theme desk that I just completed. The size is 30” tall x 36” wide x 96” long. This one took me several months to complete. The marquetry of the three lions has over 1000 different pieces of veneer. The reddish hardwood is Padauk, and the veneered base is out of Wenge. Thank you very much for looking!!!

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Posted By:Dave Mohring
Wow! Impressive as always. Really like the table legs as they flow out to a wide footprint. The marquetry has to be the most time consuming. How do you find customers with enough $$ to invest in something like this?
Posted By:Paul Miller
Very impressive and a very impressive web site. Did you use a laser and a CNC router?
Posted By:Dennis zongker
Thank you Dave for the complement. We have a good customer base.
Posted By:Dennis Zongker
Thank you Paul, for the compliment. I did not use any laser or cnc.
Posted By:Larry Schweitzer
Beautiful as usual. Thanks for posting.
Posted By:Dennis Zongker
Thank you Larry for the complement.
Posted By:rick fettig
holly heck just nailed the expressions just perfect, take a lot to impress me, i'm impressed !

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