This is my first project for my woodworking studio class at Clemson University. The professor is always pushing for unique pieces, so it is certainly UNIQUE! The interior box was cut on the CNC (my first experience with the CNC). There are no screws, nails, or pins in the whole project. All of the joints are biscuited together... Enjoy!
Viewer Comments:
Looks like a fun project! I think it needs a bottom to the puzzle cube to complete it. Nice job.
that would have been ideal, but i had to do a joint using only a dado and glue for the project specs, so i snuck it into the inside of the box and left it open for the teacher to see...
Dude!!!that thing rocks!!! I love it.That needs to be in a wild gallery somewhere,with the bottom, definitely. I remember the first table i built,and my mentor(of sorts) looked at the bottom at second glance! It killed me.
I love your imagination,the green makes it pop too! fantastic.
thanks for the positive feedback! I appreciate it!
Absolutely. What exactly are you looking for? What will the function be? You can also email me at Thanks, Chris.