Gardenia Marquetry Mirror

Listing #708 Listed on: 05/26/2007 Company Name: CT Fine Furniture
Name: Craig Thibodeau Member

This mirror was commissioned along with the Gardenia Marquetry Sideboard project shown a couple projects below. It is built with the same materials, Block Figure Anigre and Wenge with white Gardenia flowers in Holly. The mirror has a small red ladybug in the upper right corner instead of the butterflies from the sideboard. The design is fairly simple with a gently rounded profile on the inside and outside Wenge. It is finished with polyester and medium rub conversion varnish to match the sideboard.

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Posted By:david
Well done, again. Seeing this piece brings up another stack cutting question: When you are limited by the throat size of your scroll saw, what do you do? How do you work around that in the middle of a cut, especially a stack?
Posted By:Craig Thibodeau
David, for small work I use a DeWalt scroll saw. For large work I built a saw with a 4' throat which should cover just about anything I need. The design is based on one by Brian Condran in Woodwork magazine from a number of months ago. I added power to mine with a small motor to avoid using foot power. Having done this I would recommend that if you can make your larger panels with multiple smaller pieces that will fit the throat of a standard saw (bookmatch, radial, etc.) it will be easier to cut and assemble. I just finished a project with marquetry on the end of a 3 1/2' sheet of veneer and it is not easy to cut accurately when standing 3 1/2' from the blade.

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