
Listing #890 Listed on: 10/21/2007 Name: Pauly

This is the Library I built in my home using all stock mouldings. It is pretty basic.I used stair treads as shelves. I am not a professional. I want to thank everyone for the inspiration.

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Posted By:Ian Terris
umm...looks professional to me. Nice job.
Posted By:Paul
Thanks. I was in no rush.... took my time playing w/different built-up moldings and profiles.
Posted By:Tom Panks
Well done.. I like the stair tread shelf idea. Looks very professional as Ian states.. Just don't let my wife see this!
Posted By:Paul Weisner
Thanks Tom.
The stair treads are nice and thick so I will never have any sag issues. Much easier than gluing up multiple sheets of plywood to achieve the desired size. The rounded edge is a bonus as I don't own a router.
Posted By:Paul de Boer, Jr.
Wow, this looks great! You really did do a very nice job both designing and putting it together.

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