Tori Gate Mantel

Listing #954 Listed on: 12/14/2007 Company Name: Mastro Woodworking & Design
Name: Charlie Mastro Member

I had a client who loves Japanese and asia art and furniture so she wanted something along those lines. When I sketched out this form at our first meeting I didn't even realize it was a Tori gate until I went home and did some research. She is very happy with the end result.

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Posted By:Charlie Mastro
These are a couple of my most recent projects.
Posted By:Timberwerks
That is a fantastic design, it really is an eye catcher.

Posted By:Gordon
Looks great! I did a similar one and dyed it black, over white quartersawn oak. Also, if you flip the top piece but keep the end bevels going the same way, it looks great and you can put stuff on it!

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