Cherry Kitchen with Hand Carvings

Listing #983 Listed on: 01/01/2008 Company Name: DL Armstrong
Name: Les Hastings Member

We did this kitchen about sixteen years ago or so. These are recent photo's, We had to make a replacement ice maker front for a newer model. All the surfaces were lightly hand scraped.

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Posted By:Peter Conrey
Les, that is stunning. I'm curious as to how you did the curved crown molding and how you joined it to the decorative detail above the sink.

I hope to be able to produce work of this caliber someday.
Posted By:rusty borders
Your carvings are fantastic. I especially like the basket and flowers. I have tried or several years to carve flowers and vines wrapped around a ribbon with the person's names inscribed on the spate folds. They turned out nice but nothing in comparison to your craftsmanship. I strongly desire to improve. Are there any helpful suggestions you could offer, thank you for your time.
Posted By:kol
This kitchen is awesome.

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