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Middle Valley Lumber LLC

Listing #75   Listed on: 02/10/2008

Middle Valley Lumber LLC is a custom sawmilling company with very close relations to various selective loggers. With the recent addition of a Timberjack 230D Cable Log Skidder we are now performing our own logging as well. I can obtain just about any wood given the correct lead time. I handle all typical types of custom sawing, weither for grade, flitches, wide boards, quartersawn, plainsawn, or whatever the need. I custom cut fencing and trailer decking generaly from black locust and oak species. I specialize in hard to find domestic woods like wide walnut, burls, black locust, properly air dried wood, and selective low impact logging.
Majority of the milling is on the bandsaw, but I also run a 66
Company Name:   Middle Valley Lumber LLC
Contact Name:   Travis Ruhland
Location:   Califon, NJ  07830
Year Founded:   2005
Sq. Footage:   6,750
Employees:   1
Gross Sales:   N/A
Website:   under construction as of 1/28/16 please email

Product Specialties:
    Hardwood Lumber
    Milled Lumber / Lumber for construction
    Other Wood Products
    Softwood Lumber
    Wood Components
    Wood Waste

Service Specialties:
    Custom Sawing
    Kiln Drying
    Straight-line Sawing

Sawmill Equipment:
    Sawmills: Portable - Wood Mizer 1982 LT30
    Sawmills: Stationary - Timberking 1220 Highly Modified
    Sawmills: Stationary - Frick No.1C 56" Circular Mill
    Sawmills: Portable - Wood Mizer 1983 LT30
    Sawmills: Stationary - DeLoach 56" Circular Mill
    Planers - 1887 26" American Flat Belt Planer
    Planers - 1940's Moak 12" Jointer
    Planers - 1900's 18" Crecent Jointer
    Ripsaws - J.A. Fay and Egan 16" 330 (not lightning)
    Ripsaws - Mid 1800's Wood Frame 16"
    Resaws - 1921 36" American Band Saw
    Resaws - 1925 20" American Sawmill Co. Band Saw
    Resaws - 1920 20" American Sawmill Co. Band Saw
    Kilns - 2,000 board foot Solar Electric on Solar
    Other - Hiab Knuckleboom/ Grapple Combo opening up to 6'
    Other - Timber Framed Gravity Feed Log Deck
    Other - 16' Ford Flatbed yard truck
    Other - 14' GMC Flatbed with Knuckleboom
    Other - Timberjack 230D Cable Log Skidder

Viewer Comments:

Posted By: Buck     [02/11/2008]
Nice website, and looks like you have a great operation. Just wanted to point out one error on your page - your last photo - with the pileated on it - they're not endangered. Actually, quite common and doing well across the many states and Canadian provinces they inhabit. Not sure if you had another species in mind that was possibly state listed in NJ, but from the photo, sure looks to be a pileated. Nonetheless, best of luck with your business, have fun out there.


Posted By: Travis     [02/12/2008]
They are not classified as endangered now, but in 1880 they had completely dissapeared from northern new jersey, and by 1908 they had completely dissapeared from southern new jersey. This dissappearance is due to human presence, and our neglagence at the time, and much of it could be placed on loggers for deforestation. This is the only one I have ever seen in all my time in the thousands of acres I have walked. I am suprised they are not listed as endangered in NJ now because it seems all the know nesting sites can still be counted with you fingers.
Other species that we have come across have been, the red shouldered hawk, bald eagles, longeared and barred owls, and once a bobcat, they are extremly aware of human presence, and if they are around you will only get a quick glimpse if anything.

Posted By: Ben Hagenbuch     [11/07/2008]
Hello, I talked to you on the phone a month or so ago. How Much fora load of 8' locust logs 10" and up

Posted By: Travis Ruhland     [11/07/2008]
I can sell you black locust logs, but cannot price them until I speak with you. I have not idea what you mean by a "load", as every truck is a little different. Grade of logs are also different, and each is priced individualy. Please call me on my direct cell phone at (908)-217-6105. Hope to speak to you soon and thank you for your time.

Posted By: tim spaur     [01/09/2009]
I am looking for ash to steam bend, hickory (probably not to bend), and possibly other woods, depending on what you have. I would love to come visit.
I don't know if you are open the 19th (Martin Luther King Day), but I could come then possibly, or the 20th would be even better.
I have a tiny furniture making business. It usually takes me 1-2 months to make an individual piece.

Thank you,
Tim Spaur
(732) 363-4375

Posted By: Mike Gifford     [02/20/2010]
Hi my name is Mike Gifford. I am looking for Veneer sawmills that are interested in buying Oak, Black Walnut, and cherry burls. They are fined pinned , perfectly round burls that weigh from 500 pnds up to a ton. If you could get back to me about this I would realy appriciate it.

Posted By: Travis Ruhland     [03/01/2010]
I am interested in your burls as a possible source. Where are you located?
Please call me at (908)-217-6105 or e-mail me directly at
Thank you,
Travis Ruhland

Posted By: Travis Ruhland     [03/01/2010]
Website Updates coming soon! Internet Store accepting credit cards in the works!

Posted By: Travis Ruhland     [06/14/2010]
Hope you enjoy those 7' wide curly spalted ambrosia maple maple slabs I sold you!

Posted By: Beckey Gayhart     [07/11/2010]
I would love to replace the top of my table with a large slab.I was thinking Walnut but you may have something that is as good. I would need a slab about 38" to 44" wide & 58" to 64' long. What would something like that cost?

Posted By: Geovani Aguilar     [08/24/2010]
Tried getting in touch and no luck so far I think I have called and left 3 messages and 2 emails, could you please reply I need prices on Black locust (4"x4" and 2"x6"). Thank you

Posted By: Travis Ruhland     [09/12/2010]
Sorry for such the delay in my response to you. You tried e-mailing me, and calling both of my cell phones several times for over a week, and you have even tried to contact me here at this site! I am sorry I cannot help you, BUT THE PROBLEM IS that you are requesting a quote so you can bid on a job where I am already in contact with the final buyer and have been for over 6 months.
Sorry the client is wasting your time in their quest to find a cheaper price.

Posted By: Joseph Maccariello     [05/15/2011]
I am looking to build a bar in my house and I would like to top it with a dark piece of black walnut with bark on. Approximate size is 9'x2'. Please let me know if you can help

Posted By: Fredric Lorenzen     [01/09/2016]
Hi Travis,
I have a wooded spread here in Readington, NJ. I was speaking with Duke Grimes as to the disposition of some gigantic ash blowdowns. He suggested that I contact you. Thanks

Posted By: Jay Cogswell     [11/20/2017]
I am looking for 25 boards of black locust - boards can be rough cut and ideal dimensions are 1" thick x 10" wide x 8' long. Please advise availability and estimated cost. Thanks

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