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Straitline Gangrip
Listing #191 Listed on: 04/08/2018

Company Name: Freed Hardwoods

Contact Name: David Freed
This was built using a custom ordered Woodmaster 718 with 10 hp motor and 725 feed controller, two 46 fpm mini feeders, shop built adjustable fence infeed table with laser line, and stationary fence outfeed table.
The scrap was ground up and removed by the dust cyclone leaving the finished blanks and 1 off fall to be used in glue ups later. It could keep 2 men running to keep up with it.
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Viewer Comments:
Posted By:
dustin orth [04/12/2018]
Has it got a chipper or dado head on the fence side to chew up the ripping? What kind of blades are you using? The standard Woodmaster ones or some thing special?
Posted By:
David Freed [04/12/2018]
I ordered 10 standard saw blades and collars with the saw. I put 2 of them on the scrap side. That ground the scrap good enough for the dust blower to handle.
Posted By:
David Freed [04/12/2018]
I also had to reduce the shaft speed by 50% to make it cut good. The blades were getting hot and it pulled hard before I did that.