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Blind Cabinet Door


From original questioner:

Good day,
I'm installing some old oak/particle board kitchen cabinets in my shop and need some input for a blind cabinet space that will be used to store a shop-vac.
I need as much space as possible when the door is open so the shop-vac rolls out easily.
I was thinking a L shaped folding door like those used on lazy Susan's, but really know little about them, and was hoping you may offer some suggestions or some links where I might find the doors and hinges as a kit?
This opening is Minimum 24" diagonally, and the height would need to be 28" to match existing doors or 35" to the floor. but the cabinets are still loose, so that's flexible if we need to go a little more.

I'm sending pictures of the space, there is a bank of drawers on the right and a right hand door on the left, I really don't care which way the corner cabinet door swings.
I wouldn't be able to use a toe kick in this location, unless it is incorporated into the door, as I don't want any obstructions on the floor.

I'm open to any ideas, especially if there is a more inexpensive solution, as I said these are old oak cabinets that will be used as work benches in my shop.
I'm afraid I have no idea what brand cabinets these are except a box store brand.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your time!

From contributor JM

Why not just leave it open and run a counter over it??

If you really want doors, look up the Blum Catalogue. In it you will find info for sizing the doors. Alternatively, get a set of hinges, then make some trial and error doors out of scrap plywood until you get them the size you want.

From contributor Br

JM's got it. Put the counter top over the top and leave the space open. Keep it simple.

From contributor In

You could get away with using an empty lazy susan, the function of the lazy susan is to fill those corner spots. Alternatively, you might be able to get some more space by using 2 cabinets and knocking out the dividers. I have seen/done this quite a bit and it works well.