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Blum's Process 32™ Manual (PDF)

Other Versions
October 15, 2003

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Process 32™ was developed by Blum to provide a simple solution for cabinetmakers who want to incorporate all the advantages of 32mm line boring. The industry concept of a complete 32 mm cabinet includes construction boring for dowel assembly but we see that as a separate operation. When line boring for cabinet hardware, the challenge lies in establishing the position of the first 5 mm hole from which all others follow. There are numerous ideas and software programs on the market for creating patterns but we have found that when the drawer system changes, say from a concealed runner to an integrated metal drawer, the boring pattern shifts. This commonly results in different hinge positions which is undesirable.

Process 32™ is a universal pattern that enables:
The use of Blum's five different drawer systems
Balanced hinge drilling on all doors
Similar drawer front heights and positioning
The ability to include cross rails between all drawers
The use of 5/8" or 3/4" panel thickness
The use of the new BLUMOTION closing system for TANDEM Plus and TANDEMBOX drawers.

Page one shows the dimensions of a standard 34-1/2" base cabinet. Line boring can be referenced from the top or bottom of the side panel depending whether an integral toe kick is included. Pages two and three show four cabinet types that work with the pattern: one door, one drawer/onedoor, three drawer and four drawer. This pattern can also be used on wall cabinets. If a different drawer front, door or cabinet height is deisred, simply add or deduct by an increment of 32 mm.

Blum's Process 32™ Manual

Reprinted with permission of">Blum, Inc.