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Brandt Gluepot Issue


From original questioner:

This one has plagued us for a long time and we never have found the cause.

We have a Brandt KD56 bander, which has been great, but has always had the problem of getting little pcs of crud struck on the glue roller. These pcs in turn, get trapped behind the glue gate and starve the roller of glue in those spots.

We've tried everything to rid the machine of the problem, with no luck. Cleaning the gluepot, different glue temps. several different glue types, different cutters on the CNC to reduce any crumbling of the core (melamine), vacuum added in front of the bander to vacuum edges of panels before banding, yet the problem persists.

This has been a good machine, but this issue is a complete nuisance. Anyone experienced similar, and if so, found the cause?

From contributor La

I'm familiar with the problem. It happens on our Brandt contour bander fairly often but not on the IDM58 we use as our main bander. The systems are very similar. It would seem like the contour bander should be almost immune to it. Fully enclosed pot, applies to banding, not panel but still! The IDM has a hopper and auto-fill for the adhesive and gets used a lot more than the Brandt. It will get a POS in it every couple of years. Just disassembled the Brandt pot yesterday and cleaned everything to like new, we'll see. Let us know the solution.

From contributor Be


From contributor Ch

Hi Bernie-
I have experienced the same issue with a Stefani edgebander. I will describe what happened and you can decide if this applies to your machine as well.
When warming up the machine, the pencil
heaters in the glue pump head activate to warm the head. Once the glue has reached the proper temperature the glue roller can spin and we can turn on the track. When the track is activated, the glue roller spins. Our glue roller has an auger on the bottom half which spins and pumps the glue up to the roller.
While warming the machine, when the gluepot reaches operating temperature,
the track is turned on and the glue is pumped through the head and should function normally. However-if the machine is idled too long without the track running and the glue pump operating, the pencil heaters can char the glue residue inside the glue pump/head chamber. Over time, the char which has carbonized and bubbled inside the head
starts to loosen and is pushed through the glue head to the application gate which then starves the doctor roller.
It sounds like you have checked everything else. These pieces of "crud"
in my estimation upon examination will
turn out to be carbonized glue.
I guess, in essence, have you checked your glue application head and are you
careful about warm-up procedure?
I hope this makes sense to you and gets you a little closer to solving your issue.
Best Regards,

From contributor Be

Thanks Chip. The mechanics do sound similar. We are falrly careful not to let the machine idle too long when warmed up, and it does automatically lower the temperature it the machine sits for a set amount of time while not being used.

I just don't think we're really doing things any differently than others who have this same machine, and I don't understand how its such an issue for us and not for others.

From contributor Jo


One cause that I have found is also when the glue roller is touching the part. There is an adjustment of the glue applicator to the part. Over time, it starts to move and actually touches the part. The sawdust from the part then gets stuck on the glue applicator. The glue roller should be adjust so that doesn't touch the part, just the glue does. You want the part to actually pull the glue off the applicator. Not the applicator pressing glue on the part. There are usually two adjustments on your machine. A physical guide close to the glue roller. This will help set this distance. Another adjustment is the amount of "bounce" spring pressure is applied. You have the adjustment on the spring, but you also have a stop screw that keeps the glue pot from going too far forward. If it is too far forward, the previous guide is doing a lot of work and the glue pot will touch the front of the panel. Then is will be pushed out of the way and then settle on the part. This is what I call it when it bounces. You will want to adjust this screw so it barely touches the panel with the guide. You want the part to gently push the glue pot out of the way with the guide and then the spring pressure to hold it in place on the part.

Johann Huck
The Machine Warehouse, LLC.