Drilling specs for European hinges
Sources for specifications on Euro hinge insertion holes. July 18, 2000
Anyone know of a chart that has Euro hinge tab settings?
Most Euro hinge manufacturers don't seem to have much specific information on-line. Grass has specs on their hinge line at:
You might also try some of the hardware suppliers listed in WOODWEB's Industry Index. They typically have the hinge boring and installation info in their catalogs.
Michael Poster, technical advisor
Blum has comprehensive tables in their general catalog, and is extremely helpful with tech advice in oddball situations! Call toll free, 800.438.6788.
Why don't the hardware companies have better info online? Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to keep the website up to date than to print new catalogs every time something changes?
The info in Blum's catalog is outstanding, and if you bore and cut the way they tell you, the stuff works perfectly. I wish everyone did their catalogs as well, with as much info.
Another note: when using European hardware, 5mm equals 5mm, not a smidge under! Use a metric tape measure.
Thanks for all the help. I ended up doing some math and made a good guess (6mm). It fit perfectly. I'll try to get the
Blum info. It would have let me sleep a bit easier. Thanks again.
Make sure you're using
Blum hinges with the Blum specs. Grass and Hettich also have technical catalogs. I got mine from my supplier. In fact I have tech manuals for almost everything I get from them.
Accuride has a really good binder too, that lets you design things without having the hardware yet.