Gluing Teak for a Wet Exposure

Other Versions
Recommendations for finger-joint glue for temporary Teak timber shoring exposed to water. July 12, 2008

I have a tough job on hand. We need to join teak wood logs of size 3"x3" and 3 to 4 feet long with a water resistant adhesive joining the finger joints. The joined logs are then used as supports for either plywood or metal sheet blocks 2 feetx2 feet which are kept under newly laid cement concrete roofs. The wooden logs are subject to continuous contact with water as water is continuously applied to the roof tops for curing of cement concrete roofs, thus the water keeps sliding from the roof top to ground or floor level in the event it wets the wooden logs.

This process of watering continues for 15 days when the roof supports are removed. The removed logs are expected to work again whenever a new roof is laid. We require highly water resistant or water proof adhesive which does not weaken the wooden logs even after getting in contact with water. Would the D 4 standard PVA glues work or would any other glue is required. Any advice?

Forum Responses
(Adhesive Forum)
From contributor G:
I would use Gorilla urethane glue on this project. It is water proof and glues teak and other oily woods very well.

From Jeff Pitcher, forum technical advisor:
I doubt that any PVAs will be able to meet your requirements. A reactive polyurethane may be able to do it but if you need to meet any structural specifications you'll probably want to use resorcinol resin.

From contributor S:
If the logs are supports only and not a permanent structural support, then by all means use whatever glue the guys on this forum recommend. I have used two-part polyureas for a variety of things, from sealing a swimming pool to fixing a leak in a diesel fuel tank.

Like most everything else, preparation and proper application is everything. By and large, I'd say the polyureas and polyurethanes are bullet-proof. After you glue your joints, paint the entire log with a two-part polyurea you won't have any water encroachment. And, new polyurea will chemically bond to old (cured) polyurea, so if your logs get scuffed up, you can recoat them.