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Knowledge for the future of black walnut; proceedings of the 5th black walnut symposium; 1996 July 28-31; Springfield, MO.

Proceedings of the Fifth Black Walnut Symposium held 28-31 July 1996 in Springfield, Missouri. Includes 46 manuscripts and abstracts dealing with establishment, management, and utilization of black walnut with emphasis on increased use for agroforestry and nut culture. 1997
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Knowledge for the future of black walnut; proceedings of the 5th black walnut symposium; 1996 July 28-31; Springfield, MO.   (1997)

Proceedings of the Fifth Black Walnut Symposium held 28-31 July 1996 in Springfield, Missouri. Includes 46 manuscripts and abstracts dealing with establishment, management, and utilization of black walnut with emphasis on increased use for agroforestry and nut culture.

Author: Van Sambeek, J.W.

Source: General Technical Report NC-191. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station

Citation: Van Sambeek, J.W.  1997.  Knowledge for the future of black walnut; proceedings of the 5th black walnut symposium; 1996 July 28-31; Springfield, MO.  General Technical Report NC-191. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station.