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Markets and Disposal Outlets for Sawdust

These suggestions relate specifically to the Indiana area, but are food for thought in other locations as well. July 29, 2012

We recently set up a moulder to produce millwork and quickly started drowning in sawdust. Can someone steer us to a company that will take our waste in the southern Indiana area? I don't care to sell it - just get it off of the property. We have a great deal of walnut and exotic waste, so farmers do not want it for bedding. We need a company that is willing to set a trailer that we can fill and they will come and pick it up once it is loaded.

Forum Responses
(Dust Collection and Safety Equipment Forum)
From contributor G:
Waste Management would certainly handle it for a fee. They provide drop off containers of all sizes. Otherwise there is a landscape/composting operation between Indy and Martinsville on 37 that might be happy to see it. Sufficient composting will render the juglone in walnut harmless. Possibly a sawing and kiln operation that fuels its kiln steam generator with cutting scrap could add it to their burn.

From contributor D:
There is a pulp operation in Terre Haute (hence the "Eau de Haute") that may take this. They provide trailers and haul it, you just fill them. Lots of them. Just go to Terre Haute and follow your nose, you'll find them.

The two composting landfills around here want to charge you to dump (you haul) as much as they charge to sell you a load, all at their facility - very expensive. Unfortunately, it is cheaper to landfill. Though I'm betting the landfill segregates it and uses it for spill control, etc. Most facilities use it for heat and/or co-generation - free power.

From contributor J:
Cox interiors in Campbellsville KY uses it for their co-gen plant and is always looking for sawdust. U of L also has a program that assists companies to get rid of their waste to put it into the recycling stream. I don't know if he is still there, but Cam Metcalf used to run the program.

From contributor A:
Contact a local auto shop. They will gladly pick up sawdust. I did that for many years in California. It's a good absorbent for oil.

From contributor Z:
How much sawdust do you produce a day? Can you estimate in gallons or some other measure (tons)? If you produce enough to fill a truckload on a regular basis, you might want to consider briquetting the sawdust - that is compacting it into logs or pucks. The advantages are:
- reduce the amount of space by up to 10 times
- briquetters can be hooked into your collection system for a cleaner environment
- but, best of all, you can actually sell the briquettes or pucks instead of pay someone to haul it off. is a good resource if you want to contact a real expert in this area.