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Milling Hedge Apple

Hedge Apple (a.k.a. "Osage Orange" or "Horse Apple") is a valuable specialty wood. August 31, 2005

Has anyone milled or sold hedge apple wood, also known as Osage orange? It's apparently orange when cut but turns light brown with exposure. I'm wondering about hardness, milling properties, and demand. Besides being apparently great for bows, does it make good furniture? I'm trying to get an idea on its per foot value milled, as I may make an offer on some.

Forum Responses
(Sawing and Drying Forum)
Milled some just last week and other than the horseshoe in the crotch of the tree, it milled just fine. The wood saws a bit easier than white oak and works and machines well. I have never had any problems drying it, bugs do not like it, and it does not stain easily. Good, clear pieces go for about $3.00 a bd ft here. You may look at E-bay and see what it is selling for there.

From the original questioner:
Thanks for the feedback. I checked E-bay and was surprised by what people will pay for a few little boards. Example: 2 bd ft for $9. Guess I'll buy it.

Another name for this wood is horse apple. Judging from the above remark, we should assume that old Trigger just couldn't wait for the apples to fall, and got his shoe stuck in the fork of a limb while eating green apples.

I love hedge, if I can get some that has even a little straight log to saw. I cut some for a guy who wanted to make pistol grips. He brought a nice log and only wanted a little bit and left the rest. All his buddies (they run around the timber in buckskins and shoot black powder and pretend they are native Americans) saw what he had and I cut more chucks for rifle stocks and knife handles. Some people (including myself) really desire it.