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Mirror Insert Cabinet Door Bowing


From original questioner:

Hello Everyone,

We produced a walk in closet which the client was very happy with, in the summer time, but we got a call today about two mirror insert doors bowing so we are going to replace these doors, Would some one have more insight on why these doors might of warped so much, one door warped enough that it pulled the hinge off the cabinet gable. I seam to think that since we cut out most of the Face of door to receive the mirror (7mm depth cut) on one side, that the door became unbalanced, that's why it pulled so much one way. We are now going to perform a different approach in the fabrication of the door, but if anyone has some additional ideas to fabricate this door please don't hesitate to let me know.

Door Material:
-19mm Particle Board Core.
-TFL Melamine Finish on both Faces.
-6mm Mirror Insert
-Silicone used to apply the Mirror to Door.

Thank You.


From contributor Le

Is there a radiator right in front of the doors? Or in the closet? Or is the closet on an outside wall making it colder inside?

Are the doors stained on one side and painted on the other? Or are they unfinished?

Any one of these conditions might cause a door, that was stable in the summer, become warped in the winter.

From contributor Ri

Some thoughts to consider:

Wonder what the moisture content was at time of fabrication, especially during the summer. I would imagine better success now.

Use mirror mastic instead of silicone?

1/8" mirror instead of 1/4"?

Apply cabinet liner laminate to substrate before the mirror?

From contributor Je

I had the same problem a bit over a year ago with a mirrored closet door. Mine was simply glued to a sheet of 3/4" mdf which was edge banded with pvc and a sheet of laminate glued to the back side. I struggled for a bit with how to re-make the door with a better balanced construction method which was difficult as I could not make the door any thicker. I ended up making a frame and panel door out of mahogany with 3-1/2"- 4" or so stiles and rails. Then I made the panels up torsion box style also out of mahogany. Glued it all up, sanded flat and installed a new mirror on one side with the same laminated back side. It's been over a year and just visited the home last week….still good.

It's quite a bit of work and I don't know if it will work in your situation but did OK in mine.

good luck,

From contributor Sa

Thanks Everyone for your input,
I will take all your advice into consideration.

Thanks Again.

From contributor La

Your problem is unbalanced construction. Simple fix, do frame & panel with some clearance for the mirror. Back the mirror with a decorative finish.

From contributor Br

I make a cope and stick door with glass rebate. The glass company installs a safety backed mirror. I do believe your issue is unbalanced construction. My solution would not match your cabinets or mine but it works. I tell then it is the only way I am willing to put a mirror on the door unless they are willing to spend more money for an aluminum framed door.

From contributor Da

How did the silicone not eat the backing on mirror ? Many years ago one of my guys mounted a mirror with silicone , a couple of months later the backing dissolved and you could see the silicone through the glass. As for the warp was caused mostly due to unbalance , maybe mount the mirror on the door with a small molding ,it won't look as good but it may save the door