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Miter Fold Joints with Solid Surface Material

Miterfolding is practical with solid surfacing, and can be accomplished more than one way. July 14, 2010

Has anyone out there been miterfolding Corian? We have a large project coming up and would like to try this method to fabricate some furniture pieces. We miterfold various wood veneer panels and MDF but never attempted to do it with Corian. We have a Biesse Rover CNC router and would like any advice (bit type, RPM, speed rates, etc.) you can share.

Forum Responses
(CNC Forum)
From contributor P:
We have sold a good number of right angle heads to customers who were miter folding solid surface material. The folks at Royce Ayre Tooling make a real nice cutter head which produces a lock miter.

From contributor L:
We have been working mitrefold quite a bit as of late, and saved a boatload in time. We run right off our slider at a 45 and have great success with just masking tape holding the nose and then wrapping the 90 with it. We also run on our Rover 321, and had good success using a 45 bit from junk bits we had laying around. I am currently looking at the Amana insert cutters for this.

From contributor D:
We've got a couple hundred customers V-grooving Corian (or other solid surface) on Striebig saws. Simple V-groove, lock miter, coves all work great with just a thick piece of clear tape on the back side and an accurate machine. I'm sure you could do it on your Rover.

From contributor R:
Amana's bit cuts a 45.5 degree angle. The resulting 91 degree fold allows room in the joint for the glue. I have had great success helping my clients develop miter-folding capabilities in their existing shops. If you were going to do lots of it, there are great dedicated machines as mentioned above. For a single job, even a big one, I would be looking at tooling alone to accomplish the task.