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Molding Profiles


From original questioner:

Anyone know of a basic profile list, preferably black and white, for standard profiles available online?

I was hoping to track down a simple line drawing library/catalog of profiles but seems everything from my vendors are glossy/printed PDF catalogs and I'd like an easy to print list of profiles I could take out of the shop with me.

From contributor Da

Elias woodwork.

From contributor Ma

Dave, Thanks, Been on your site many times, a great resource.

I was hoping to find something I could print off into a booklet/binder to take with me to show customers. There are several sources for printable profiles but was thinking I may find something so they could leaf through and refine ideas.

I have a couple old Brosco catalogs that show a lot of the commercial profiles available at retail/yards which may have to do.

From contributor Ru

Try our website above, there are a few there to choose from , all print full scale for you convenience. Intuitive search engine to find what your looking for quickly!
Good Luck
Russ @ MR