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Monster Curly and Wavy Cherry Boards

A sawmiller shows off some bodacious boards sawn from Cherry logs his dad got for free. April 20, 2011

My father-in-law got some free cherry logs. I couldn't believe what we had when we opened it up. These 3 boards are all 20 inches wide x 10 feet tall. We got a lot of nice wood from these logs.

Here is a close up of the nice curly grain.

Forum Responses
(Sawing and Drying Forum)
From contributor T:
Whoa daddy. I'm salivating over that. Congrats - that's like an early Christmas. I bet your ol' ticker was revved up when you slid that first one off.

From contributor G:
Wow! And much envy.

From contributor D:
It looks like you opened a tomb. Look at the two boards on the right. See a faceless torso and arms? Outside of that above and down the shoulders, there's a figure that reminds me of the creature... or mummy wrappings. Sorry - it's the first thing I saw till closeup. Oh - that is sweet looking.

From contributor K:
I am sorry to see all that awful wiggly grain. I would be willing to do you a favor (just because I am a nice guy) and trade for some nice straight grain cherry so you wouldn't have to look at all that nasty curly stuff. When can we make the trade?
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