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New CNC For Custom Cabinetry


From original questioner:

We are very much considering once again purchasing a flat table CNC now that the market has improved. We had done a lot of research on this before and had really liked what we had seen of Biesse. However, my budget has shrunk - thanks to the recession - and I have to "stay within the lines" if you will. This purchase feels like it could either make you or break you so I want to choose wisely. We are well beyond the entry level machines and are not interested in used since this is our first experience. I am seriously looking at the New machine - smart er series. From everything I have been able to find out about this company (which, frankly, has not been much) they seem to make a good product and know their stuff. Does anyone have experience with this company or their equipment? Good or bad, I would appreciate hearing. Or, do you just have to spend at least $120 K with someone like Biesse to get a decent machine? Our budget is $60 - $70 grand and our application would be nested based custom residential cabinetry. Thanks!

From contributor ja

The IWF is in 23-24 short days GO to ATLANTA. it will be well worth your time, most every machine mfg in the world will be there. this is your chance to really look at them all up front and cut your deal (and they will be dealing) this IWF could be the largest in years so the corp hunger will be seething !!

some of us are speaking on a Panel on cnc for the CMA at 12:30 on Wednesday the 20th, come check it out and introduce yourself !!

From contributor SG

I've had a NEWCNC for 3 years and have been pleased with it, so much so that I've ordered a larger machine from them. If you'd like to have a conversation regarding my experience, send me an email and I'll get up with you.

As Mr. McGrew points out, going to IWF is a excellent way to get a first-hand idea as to the quality and abilities of the various machines.

From contributor ca

I have had great experience with Biesse meeting my budget in the used (new market). I would look @ all your options before pulling the trigger.

There are several other things to consider before the machine lands.

Dust Collection
Placement for materials flow

We have had great success with Biesse and our cnc purchase and implementation, but it was a lot of work and it took a while for me and others to get comfortable with it. It has been a god send though. We are producing 10 times what we did last year at this time, and now we are looking at moving the counter tops shop next door.

From contributor B.

You'll find most people are very satisfied with the routers. I've had great reliability and good assistance when needed from CNT Motion.

Like James said........"Atlanta". Your timing is perfect and there is no better opportunity to see what is available until next year in Las Vegas.


From contributor Bi

I have heard good things about Biesse. We have a Busellato and are very pleased with it.

I will say that adding a router is a huge positive change.

I would be set with software first.
If you currently don't have software that is capable of running the machine you might want to get the software in house and get comfortable with it first.

Beware of the lower entry level machines from the big manufactures. There is nothing wrong with them but they are slooooow. I am not suggesting you get a super fast machine but they are not fast. I think a 100K budget for the machine is a better budget. That is just my opinion. I have never regretted buying quality.

From contributor St


Thanks for the input - I think I would feel a lot better if I could actually see this machine (and others) in operation. I'm checking into tickets for Atlanta to hopefully pull this off.

From contributor ja

Good Move !! Look at everything decide after, We all love our CNC's in my case I am still amazed I can do this and the machine and company were a big part of that. like many my number is on my website give me a call and we can meet at IWF !!

From contributor St

Tickets are booked - I can hardly wait!

From contributor La

Good move. Have you been to the IWF show before? There are some good posts on here about IWF, with valuable advise! There will be a gathering @ the woodweb booth and several of us are meeting in the CNN building after show hours.

From contributor St

I've not been to IWF before - this will be my first. I am just trying to keep my focus singular (on cnc) so that I can glean everything I possibly can to make an informed decision. Is the CNN building close by? I would enjoy being able to meet some of you guys.

From contributor ja

The CNN building has a large food court right smack across from the IWF, some of the CMA fellows and I are speaking on CNC use in additional ways. on Wed at 12:30 feel free to join us. my phone number on the website forwards to my cell feel free to call. the IWF has always benefited me !